APPSCAssistant Executive Engineers Recruitment 2012 Syllabus and Model Papers Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has announced the notification for recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) in various government departments. There are vacancies in 1716 and these will be distributed to agencies such as the Irrigatin CAD and engineering services, R & B Engineering Services, Panchayat Raj and Tribal Welfare Engineering Services, as described below.Candidates will have to apply online through and selection will be based on the written examination and interviews. Written test will be held on 1st July 2012. Applicants age should be between 18 - 34 years as on 01/07/2011. Scale of pay for appointed candidates is Rs. 16,150 – 42,590. Here follows other details:
1) Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) in I and CAD Engineering Service. 1170 posts
2) Assistant Executive Engineers (Mechanical) in I and CAD Engineering Service: 130 posts
3) Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) in R and B Engineering Service: 174 posts
4) Assistant Executive Engineers (Electrical) in R and B Engineering Service: 14 posts
5) Assistant Executive Engineers in Panchayat Raj in Civil and Mechanical Branches Engineering Service: 214 posts
6) Assistant Executive Engineers in Tribal Welfare Engineering Service in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Branch: 14 posts.
1) Qualifications for Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE - Civil and Mechanical) in I and CAD Engineering Service: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree (BE or B.Tech or B.Sc Engineering) in Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering (depending on the post applied by the candidate) of a University / institute / college in India duly recognized by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education or any of its equivalent qualification.
2) Qualifications required for Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE - Civil and Electrical) in Roads and Building Engineering Services: Applicants should have BE or B.Tech or B.Sc in Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering depending on the post applied. The degree should be recognised by UGC or AICTE or any other equivalent organisation.
3) Eligibility and Qualifications for Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) in Panchayat Raj in Civil and Mechanical Branches Engineering Services: Candidates should have Bachelor’s Degree (BE or B.Tech or B.Sc. in Civil or Mechanical Engineering OR must have passed in Section A and B of AMIE Examination conducted by Institute of Engineers in Civil or Mechanical branches.
4) Qualifications required for Assistant Executive Engineers in Tribal Welfare Engineering Service in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Branches: Candidates should have Graduation in Engineering (Civil or Mechanical branches) from any recognised university or institute or college in India or any of its equivalent qualification.
Candidates have to pay the required fee through downloading challan from APPSC website. Fee is Rs. 100 for application processing and Rs. 120 for Examination. Payment of Rs. 100 is must for all candidates and there will be exemptions for examination fees. These details are available with notification on the website. You can pay the fee through AP Online Centers or State Bank of India.
Scheme and Structure of Written Examination: There will be a Written (Objective Type) Examination for AEE recruitment. Total examination will be for 450 marks. Written examination will be held at Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Tirupati and Warangal. The examination consists of three papers as follows:
1) Paper -1: General Studies and Mental ability : 150 Marks - 150 Questions - Duration is 150 Minutes.
2) Paper-2: Optional Subject: 150 Marks - 150 Questions - Duration is 150 Minutes (Allowed branches are Civil, Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering). The syllabus and question papers for all these branches will be separate and except Civil and Mechanical Engineering.
3) Paper-3: Optional subject: 150 Marks - 150 Questions - 150 Minutes (Options are Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering).
Important dates for APPSC - AEE Recruitment 2012:
1) The Written Examination: : 01-07-2012 (tentative)
2) Start of submission of online application: 24-04-2012
3) Last date for registering online application: 23-05-2012
4) Last date for payment of fee : 21-05-2012.
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