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CMET Materials Centre Electronics Technology, Hyderabad Indian market for mobile cellular telephones' RHOS testing program for employees in the name of the project is inviting applications. CMET under the purview of the Information Technology Department and the Government of India as an autonomous scientific society is run. CMET is working in the fields of electronic materials and process research and development. The Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, CMET's headquarters are available to:

Project staff: 3 records, qualifications and experience required: Applicants must be first class M.Sc. (Chemistry) icp / AAS / GCMS / IC / UV combined experience on - vis, etc. or their first class B.Sc. Must be (MPC) at least 2 years experience in the ISO 17025 system. Salary: Selected candidates will get Rs accumulated amount. M.Sc. Rs 15600 per month and still qualify. B.Sc. To candidates in 9750.

The project duration is 6 months. Selection of candidates for interview should be conducted in Hyderabad CMET. Cities are the following details:

1) Venue: Computer Technology, Hyderabad Centre for Materials. Phone: 040 - 2726 2437 / 2726 7309.
2) to the date: October 24, 2011. The detailed advertisement, Application Form and instructions to, see


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