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RRCAT Recruitment 2011 - 57 Stipendiary training spaces: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology - RRCAT Stipendiary of the recruitment and training (Category I & II) Advanced Technology, Indore, Raja Ramanna Centre for training in the blanks for the release of a recruitment notification. Offline mode is applied by qualified candidates who are on or before 17-10-2011. Age limit, educational qualification, pay scale and other information related to the information discussed below, RRCAT Recruitment of 2011 ...

Recruitment RRCAT empty Details:
Total no. S: 57 posts
S name:
1. Stipendiary Training Category I: 30 posts (Physics -14, -06, and the mechanical Electronics/Instrumentation-10 posts)
2. Stipendiary Training Category II: 27 posts (Electronics/Instrumentation-10, Machinist/Miller-02, fitter -11, -02 and laboratory Turner -02 posts)

Age limit: Applicant's age limit is a minimum of 19 years to a maximum of 24 years for each of the rules category I and category II for a minimum of 18 years to a maximum of 22 years as on 17/10/2011, at the age of deregulation.

Selection process: selection of the written test / interview will be based on performance.

How to apply: qualified candidates to the following address on or before 17-10-2011 along with copies of all certificates of authentication required, advance notice given to the prescribed format on their application, the Administrative Officer-III, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, PO: CAT , Indore -452013.

Last date of receiving application: 17-10-2011.

Age limit, educational qualification for more information regarding, any, type of pay. However, the experience, the application fee, the selection process, application format, the link, following the adoption of other information was available on the application and recruitment for the last date of application RRCAT how ...
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