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APEPDCL (Eastern Power Distribution Company Limited) Agreement on the basis of customer service centers, announced that the notification manager of recruitment for the posts. The initial contract will be for one year. Selected candidates will get Rs. And a fixed salary of Rs 18000 per month as HRA. Rs 1000 per month, as well as inform. 800. The application of the concept of space and detail are the following:

Manager (Customer Service Centres): 2 posts (OC (PH) (OH) W-1; BC-B - W - 1); to be around 45 years of age. Eligibility: Applicants / B. Tech / AMIE / Electrical Engineering or equivalent qualification in Electrical and Electrical Branch in BE in Electronics Engineering or Diploma required. Consumer relations / customer service, or an equivalent diploma with a certificate course for priority. Agreement on the basis of performance and need to be extendable.

Interested candidates 20CSC% 20website% 20matter-2011.pdf to download application format. Candidates with good communication skills in Telugu and a large number of people must have experience in handling. Last date for receiving applications that require the certificates along with copies of the 26 September 2011. For more details you can visit


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